You can purchase KRL tokens through the InstaSwap service. No registration needed with our partner. Transactions are completed within 30 minutes to 1 hour. Check also this article for a beginner guide to Kryll.io by Instaswap.
There are two ways to purchase KRL on InstaSwap :
- You can use Bitcoin (BTC).
- You can use your credit card (EUR,GBP,USD).
Purchase KRL on InstaSwap using Bitcoin (BTC)
1- Specify the amount in BTC that you wish to send (the minimum will be displayed), select in the list "KRL" and you will then have an estimate of the number of KRL that you will receive. Then click on "Swap Now".

2- Now enter your KRL deposit address, you can find it on your Kryll account in the "Wallet KRL" section and by clicking on "Deposit" at the bottom right. A popup will then open with your KRL address, copy it.

3- Go back to InstaSwap and enter your KRL deposit address in the "KRL receiving wallet" field. In "BTC Refund Wallet Address" indicate your BTC address which will be used in case of refund (it can be a BTC wallet or your BTC deposit address on any exchange). Indicate also your email address and click on "Start Swap".

4- You now have one hour to send the exact amount to the indicated address. If you are sending your funds from an exchange (ex Binance) do not forget to include the withdrawal fee in addition to the amount of the money to be sent (in our example 0.0087 BTC).
NOTE: If the EXACT amount is not sent then the transaction will be cancelled and your funds in BTC will be returned to the refund address mentioned in the previous step.

The transaction can take between 30 minutes and 1 hour to be validated (depending on the congestion of the blockchain). You will receive an email once the KRL are credited to your Kryll account!

Purchasing KRL on InstaSwap using a Credit Card
To purchase KRL with a credit card on InstaSwap click on "Buy Crypto with CC" at the bottom right of the form or select a currency (EUR, GBP, USD) and then select "KRL" from the list of cryptocurrencies. Then click on "Swap Now".
Note: This must be the same currency as the bank account linked to your credit card. The minimum is EUR50/GBP44/56USD.
1- Indicate the amount you wish to spend in EUR/GBP/USD to buy KRL.

2- Now enter your KRL deposit address, you can find it on your Kryll account in the "Wallet KRL" section and by clicking on "Deposit" at the bottom right. A popup will then open with your KRL address, copy it.

3- Go back to InstaSwap and enter your KRL deposit address in the "KRL receiving wallet" field and click on "continue".

4- Now enter a valid email address on which you will receive a verification code. And click on "Continue".

5- Enter the verification code, accept the "Terms & Conditions" and click on "Continue".

6- Now enter your last name, first name and date of birth.

7- Now enter your address and click on "Continue".

8- Last step, enter your credit card information and validate your payment by clicking on "Continue".
Note: Above an amount of $150 you may be asked for a KYC (identity verification).

Congratulations, your purchase is now being processed (this can take more than an hour) and an email will be sent to you once your KRL deposit has been credited to your Kryll account.

Happy trading!
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