Kryll³ Dev Diary - 7th Edition

Welcome to this seventh edition of our Dev Diaries. The entire team is happy to meet with you again for this regular update. It's an opportunity for you to discover the topics our team is currently working on.

Transition from the Kryll v2 platform to the Kryll³ dApp: Final shutdown of trading strategies on Kryll v2

In preparation for the final shutdown of strategies on Kryll v2, our team has worked tirelessly to develop and test all the scripts necessary for a smooth transition. These scripts allowed for the controlled stopping of all strategies still running, blocking deposits, disabling registrations, and deactivating the Marketplace.

On June 28th, with a heavy heart, our team executed these scripts, and the last strategies were stopped without any undesirable impacts on our users.

However, this does not signal the extinction of the platform! It remains available for your KRL withdrawals until further notice.

Platform update: Withdrawal of KRL to a decentralized wallet

ot only will the platform remain accessible, but it now offers an update allowing you to connect a decentralized wallet (such as MetaMask) and make withdrawals at a very advantageous rate compared to historical withdrawals.

If you wish to proceed with this type of withdrawal, you will find here a tutorial on how to create your decentralized MetaMask or Rabby wallet, as well as a tutorial on how to proceed with this type of withdrawal.

Dear historical and loyal users, prepare your future on Kryll³ by making your withdrawals this way. Not only will this feature allow you to facilitate the transition from Kryll to Kryll³ and save on transaction fees, but it will also allow you to have your wallet registered in one of the criteria of the Community Reward Program.

Imminent release of the dApp

The dApp is now entering a final testing phase. Deployment on a production infrastructure has now been completed, and our testing team are meticulously examining every corner of the application to ensure optimal fluidity and robustness for its public release.

Security remains our top priority. Rigorous security tests are underway, and thanks to the experience gained with Kryll v2, our team are showing increased competence and proactivity on these subjects. The tests are proceeding without any particular issues and the test reports are being validated one after another.

In a few days, we will launch a new Dev Connect edition in which you will have the opportunity to sign up for the first Kryll³ User Focus Group to have early access to the dApp and provide us with your feedback before its public release. We will select 10 active and engaged users to actively participate in this initiative.

We advise you to stay connected to our Telegram group so you don't miss this opportunity 👀 [Join our Telegram group]

Thank you for your loyalty and continued support. We are excited to offer you an unparalleled DYOR experience with Kryll³.

See you soon for the next Dev Diary,
The Kryll³ team