22 Key dates in the History of Bitcoin.

The very first traces of Bitcoin appeared in August 2008, an anonymous person reserved the name of Bitcoin.org, what about 13 years after it's official creation January 3, 2009?

Small Bitcoin guided tour through 22 key dates.

August 18, 2008: First key date in Bitcoin history, with the reservation of the domain name bitcoin.org.

October 31, 2008: Publication of the WhitePaper.
The man (or the group) named Satoshi NAKAMOTO, posts, “I am working on a new completely peer-to-peer electronic money system, without trusted third parties.”
This WhitePaper, written in perfect English, explains how the Bitcoin protocol works. Read the Bitcoin White Paper: HERE

January 3, 2009: Genesis Bloc is sort of the first Bitcoin released to individuals. These first Bitcoins have not been sent to another wallet, and are therefore so far in the possession of Satoshi NAKAMOTO, and have not yet been moved.

January 12, 2008: First shipment of Bitcoin to a wallet, Hal Finney's wallet, a computer scientist graduated from the California Institute of Technology who cut his teeth in the industry as a video game developer, notably for the Atari 2600 console.
Today this is the oldest trace of an individual who received Bitcoin by S.NAKAMOTO.

October 5, 2009: Bitcoin finally has a price in Dollars, 0.001 Dollars to be precise. Amount determined by the cost of generating electricity required to create a Bitcoin per computer.
At this time, the necessary computing power is not very important and a simple PC is able to do it.

May 22, 2010: "Bitcoin Pizza Day"
Today is a dreamy anecdote, but in 2010 an American developer named Laszlo Hanyecz spent 10,000 bitcoins to afford two pizzas at Papa John's in Jacksonville (Florida)

December 12, 2010: Satoshi Nakamoto, The Disappearance.
Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious creator of Bitcoin, writes this post on the specialized Bitcointalk forum in which he announces his withdrawal from the project. He declares to pass the baton to the American developer Gavin Andresen by entrusting him with the protocol alert key.
This allows you to instantly send a message to all the computers that make up the nodes of the system (in the event of an attack, for example).

October 2, 2013: Silk Road Shuts Down.
If Bitcoin has a bad reputation, a lot of it is due to this site. Hosted on the darknet, part of the anonymous and unregulated Internet, this black market allows the buying and selling of all kinds of illegal products, such as drugs and more dangerous, weapons.
Bitcoin is used here for transactions thanks to its relative anonymity.
Its owner, Ross Ulbricht, a 29-year-old libertarian American, is arrested in a San Francisco library. He was sentenced in 2015 to life imprisonment.
Today, many sites are inspired by Silk Road.

February 2014: Bankruptcy of MtGox.
After having reached the sum of 1000 Dollars per Bitcoin, at the end of November 2013, hard blow in the world of Bitcoin, the largest MtGox exchange platform created by Mark KARPELES has more than 650,000 Bitcoins hacked, the market collapses following this hack causing the price of Bitcoin to drop by 55%.

July 2015: Creation of Ethereum.
The young developer Vitalik Buterin, offers the community a new protocol called ETHEREUM, having the particularity of being TURING-COMPLETE and to support smart-contracts.

November 2016: Discussion on the size of Bitcoin blocks.
Bitcoin users are trying to make the network evolve, because this one, during high flow of transactions tends to be slower, a debate divides the community, some want to leave the size blocks intact, others prefer to decrease their size in order to increase the speed of transactions.

January 2017: A Dutchman (Didi Taihuttu) decides to sell all his goods (business, houses, cars) to save everything Bitcoin, the price of bitcoin was $ 900 per bitcoin.

August 2017: First Fork Bitcoin, Creation of Bitcoin CASH.
The community not having succeeded in agreeing on the size of the blocks decides to carry out a “hard fork”, that is to say that they create a separate path to the Bitcoin blockchain while retaining the historical of Bitcoin original protocol.
This new protocol is known as Bitcoin Cash.

December 2017: Bitcoin futures contract launched and historic price record announced.
The announcement of new financial products around Bitcoin, pushing prices up to new highs and in December 2017 the price of a Bitcoin was around 20,000 Dollars.

April 20, 2018: Creation and launch of the Kryll.io ICO.
Kryll.io provides intuitive ways to create trading strategies and execute them automatically. Users can design strategies using the industry's most powerful tools and safely test them with backtesting and sandboxing before going to test them live.

2018 - 2019: Adoption and soon institutionalized in Bitcoin.
This cycle was marked by several major events, the crash of Bitcoin during the year 2018 seeing its value go from $ 20,000 to $ 5,500 in a few months followed by the arrival of institutional investors like Microstrategy or Blackrock.
This cycle will also be the cycle of ICOs, and smart contracts introduced by Ethereum a few years earlier.

September 2020: Taxes paid in Bitcoin?
The canton of Zug in Switzerland, considered as the "Silicon Valley" of blockchain and crypto-currencies, becomes the first Swiss canton in which it is possible to pay its taxes in crypto-currencies.

November 2020: Introduction of Paypal.
PayPal, a major global player in online payments, is opening a Bitcoin buying and selling service in the United States. Thus exhibiting Bitcoin has more than 26 Million traders around the world.

March 2020: Financial crash linked to the covid-19 crisis. Bitcoin falls more than 45% to hit lows at $ 4,000

September 7, 2021: El Salvador legalizes Bitcoin.
Not that Bitcoin was illegal before, but El Salvador was the first country to make Bitcoin legal tender, so it is possible to shop in Bitcoin, and any point of sale must accept Bitcoin as a payment method, Bitcoin becomes the equal of the Dollar in El Salvador.

January 2021: After recovering from the March 2020 Krash, Bitcoin hits yet another all-time high and exceeds the symbolic mark of $ 30,000 per Bitcoin.

November 2021: Bitcoin goes mainstream.
More and more individuals want to invest in Bitcoin and it is accepted as a means of payment by many merchants. Bitcoin is making a place for itself in the lives of citizens and crosses the historical CAP of $ 69,000 per Bitcoin.

Since the creation of Kryll.io we have never stopped believing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
Bitcoin is to date the most profitable investment of all time with an ROI of over 10,000,000% and you too will be able to benefit from this craze around Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, in particular with our DCA investment strategy (Dollar Cost Average).

Happy Trading,

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