The KRL (Kryll) token is required to use Kryll.io. It is used to pay the platform fees for the use of automated strategies as well as to unlock the different tiers of the holding program, which allows you to get a fee reduction by holding a certain amount of KRL.
You can now use our partner Changelly.com to buy KRL.
How to purchase KRL tokens on Changelly using ETH (ERC20)
1 : Go to https://changelly.com/
2 : Choose ETH in the first field
3 : Select Kryll Token in the 2nd field and input selected amount

4 : Input your ERC20 address in the right field and agree with terms of use, privacy and KYC and click on “next step” button

5 : You will have a preview of your transaction fees, when you’re ready click on “confirm & make a payment”*

6: Send your fund to changelly address by using your wallet (metamask, coinbase, mew, …) and wait for transaction confirmation on your wallet.**

You can now exchange your ETH to KRL on Changelly !
Note : KRL token will appear directly in your wallet after the transaction (follow this guide for adding KRL to your wallet)
*Fees can be applied by Changelly
**Fees can be applied by ETH Network
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Support : support@kryll.io