To meet the growing needs, accelerate innovation and strengthen the marketing strategy, the Kryll team is recruiting new players at all positions to beef up its game!
Setting up an international influencer marketing strategy is also one of the tasks.

Hi Karim, can you introduce yourself in a few words?
CHISU Nicola Karim, better known online as Monsieur.K, I fell in love with the Blockchain in 2016, I started writing popular books two years later to help non-tech people understand Blockchain and cryptos.
Before focusing 100% on this blockchain technology, I had several lives, first of all that of a backpacker, I traveled a lot, strolling in London gardens under the red autumn leaves. Admiring the boats sailing on the canals, hot chocolate in hand, under the flakes of Amsterdam. Run through the lavender fields of Provence in spring. Smelling the sulfur under a blazing sun in the Neapolitan calderas.
I love the world and its surprises! As a production manager on many clips, reports, documentaries and television projects, I have been involved in the artistic world for a long time. Becoming a father was the turning point, I decided to be more present for my family, so I changed my path and had the opportunity to participate in important IT projects for the government of Monaco, or large international groups. Today, I'm back on the Blockchain scene. Specialist of Metavers and Utility NTFs, and POAPs, you will find many articles on the blog that will help you to better understand this new era that offers itself to the world.
Did you know Kryll before you arrived?
Yes, of course. The French projects are not numerous and the good French projects even less numerous, being a very bad trader, Kryll knew how to fill my gaps by putting at my disposal easy to use and powerful tools!
What will you bring to Kryll on a professional and human level ?
My popularization articles are, in my opinion, one of the pieces that Kryll was missing, to inform its community of the latest trends, and to help newcomers to the world of crypto-currencies. Setting up an international influencer marketing strategy is also one of the tasks I would dedicate myself to and soon the team will be on the roof of the WORLD!!! 🙂
Thanks for this interview Karim and welcome to the team!
Happy Trading,
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