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Kryll Release V1.6 with Smart Trading

Discover the new Smart Trading feature.

Dear community,The last few weeks have been incredible. Kryll platform welcomes more and more new users every day. We have listened to your feedback and we are introducing a new feature with the latest Kryll platform update V1.6
This new amazing feature is named: Smart Trading!

What is Smart Trading?

Our goal at Kryll is to simplify and automate crypto trading. That’s why we have developed new tools that allow that.

  • Smart Buy: Optimize your next entry on an asset with the Smart Buy feature !
  • Smart Sell: Get the best out of your sell and take the maximum amount of profit with the Smart Sell feature !
  • Stop Loss, Take Profit(s): Need to follow a call ? Want to simplify your multiple sell targets ? The Stop-Loss Take-Profit(s) feature is here for you !

You can also share your trades with your friends or community using the Smart Link feature and earn commissions when other users use your link.

You can find more information about Kryll Smart Trading here.

What is new in Kryll V1.6?

  • Smart Trading including “Smart Buy, Smart Sell, Stop Loss, Take Profit(s) and possibility to share your trades and earn commission with Smart Link.
  • Improved strategies stability
  • Trust this device” option to stay connected without having to log in each time.

We hope you will enjoy these new features!

Happy Trading!

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About is your first intuitive platform to define powerful crypto trading strategies through a simple drag and drop editor.
  • Nice, France