Dear Kryllian,
Following the outage of February, 6th, we took the hard decision to pause the launching of strategies for an indefinite period of time (1 week minimum).
We understand your dissatisfaction but such a sudden influx of new users is difficult to manage at our scale despite all the precautions taken to offer a high scalability to the platform.
We apologize for the inconvenience but we hope you will understand this important decision for the benefit of the whole community.
We will come back to you regularly with information on the progress of the deployment of the new architecture. You can however make KRL withdrawals/deposits and use the "Swap" feature on your portfolio.
The strategy editor and backtests are still available. Don't hesitate to join our Telegram channels to be informed in real time on the evolution of the situation, admins are there to help you in case of problem. (Beware however of scammers, Kryll admins will never ask you for money in exchange of help, support is free and will always remain that way).
Official Telegram Group : https://t.me/kryll_io
Some frequently asked questions:
Q - Can I restart my strategies?
A - No, for the moment the strategies are stopped until further notice.
Q - I received an email about the crash but not for all strategies, do the others still work?
A - No, all strategies have been stopped and it is not possible to restart them while the new architecture is being implemented.
Q - Are my KRL tokens safe?
A - Yes, your KRL are on the platform and you can withdraw them at any time if needed.
Q - Does it cost me KRL?
A - No, the service is pay per use, as long as no strategy is launched you don't pay anything.
Q - When can I restart my strategies?
A - We don't have a specific date yet but it won't be for at least a week, we will send an email when it is possible again. In the meantime, join our Telegram channel to get real-time information.
Thanks again for your confidence during these difficult times.
The Kryll team
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support at support@kryll.io.
Join us!
Website : https://kryll.io
Twitter : @Kryll.io
Telegram EN : https://t.me/kryll_io
Telegram FR : https://t.me/kryll_fr
Discord : https://discord.gg/PDcHd8K
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kryll.io
Support : support@kryll.io