In our previous articles we told you a lot about NFT, but what exactly is NFT? NFT comes from the English Non Fongible Token.
NFTs have been circulating on the blockchain for a few years now. These are unique digital goods paid for in cryptocurrency. Used to indicate the ownership of an object digital (often a digital work of art), these tokens impact markets around the world, from art and video games to events, fashion and even music.
Subject is tricky to understand, that is why we have written this article to help you better understand NFTs and more specifically a very specific type of NFT: Phygitals.
An NFT guarantees an individual sole ownership of a digital asset. You can buy an NFT at a certain price, but the fact that it is often in limited quantities allows it to have a value that fluctuates according to supply and demand. from the purchase of your virtual NFT you will have a material good (connected to your NFT) which you will also own, it can be a simple cap, which following the purchase of your NFT would be sent directly to your mailbox, or it can also be something more imposing.
To take a recent example, at kryll we have created a collection of NFTs in collaboration with the artist Léo CAILLARD.
Among the works was a rather particular NFT (photo below).

This NFT gives the owner, the right to own the physical work created by the artist Léo CAILLARD a block sculpted in real marble.
The person who will be the owner of this NFT will also be the owner of the sculpture, or if it he resells his NFT, he is not obliged to sell the sculpture with it.
This right is only valid for the first buyer.
Here the example is taken with a statue but it could also have been a sweater or a candy, the Phygitals are the link between the real and the virtual, and nothing prevent tomorrow from imagining the purchase of a real car in NFT, or of clothing of major brands in NFT which would give right to their physical counterparts.
The opposite is also possible, you buy a cap from your favorite reseller, who can link your cap to an NFT in order to write directly on the blockchain that it is you who own it.
Do not hesitate, and find our collaboration with the artist Léo Caillard, world-renowned sculptor.
Find our collection directly by clicking on the link below. https://opensea.io/collection/kryllblockcollection

Happy Trading,
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