How they work and why ?

The alpha just started, and if you go to your dashboard you will be able to see that a few gifted strategies have been given to you ! In this article we will try to explain how they work and in which case scenario they are useful.
The “Safe” scalper
This strategy is meant to trade only on one and only pair : TUSD/USDT.
This pair is considered “safe” because these coins are supposed to be tethered to 1 dollar. So no matter what, the price will go back to 1 dollar. This why we are trying to profit from the small variations in prices. We have purposely made a flawed version, for you to upgrade so you can train with the product !
Of course it still works that way but it is not optimized !
The strategy works as follows :
- Buy when the price is between 0.999 dollars and 0.98 dollars.
- If the price goes up by 0.55%, SELL OR if the price goes down by 0.55%, BUY more.
- If it has bought more, sell between 0.999 and 1.02 dollars.
- Save 100% of profits.
- Start all over again.

As you can see, we bought when the price was “supposed” to go up due to the fact that these currencies are tethered to 1 dollar. By selling higher, we made 5% of profit over 2 months, which is insane consideringthe fact that this is almost a 0 risk investment.
This strategy is already available for you o use and improve But keep in mind that you are playing with real money when you arelive trading, do not all-in on any strategy.
The Bear Trader
During a bear market like we are in right now, it’s hard to make money, and you are often not even tempted to enter the market again. But if you take a closer look at the graph, you can see that many opportunities are out here. It would be a shame to miss that many good oppoturnities. So we created a strategy that takes advantage of these opportunities, by averaging down, and seeling after a rebound.
Here’s how it works :
- If the price does down by 10%, BUY 10%.
- If the price goes down 10% BUY 20% OR if the price goes up 8%, SELL 100%
- If the price goes down 10% BUY 40% OR if the price goes up 11%, SELL 100%.
- If the price goes down 10% BUY 100% OR if the price goes up 17%, SELL 100%.
-If the price goes up 25%, sell 100%.

This strategy is very simple and takes only big movements into consideration, so it is not the best optimized strategy. However, you can upgrade or just take your inspiration from it to create your own strategy that is way more optimized. We are counting on you to make the best strategies !
However, the state of the current bear market is not sure yet. It might end soon or it might continue. So I would advise you to study the market before starting such strategy.
The Trailing profit
The easiest way to make money, is to wait for a coin to go up and sell it. But when to sell it ? That’s the hardest question. First thing first, you will almost never sell at the top or buy at the bottom, and it’s not something that should bother you. Selling 1% higher isn’t worth the risk to lose 25%. That’s why you should never get emotional while trading, always sell and buy according to your plan. And might help you with that !
Take a look at this very simple strategy, it works on a trailing profit base, this means that as long as it grows, you don’t sell, once the price starts to drop, sell. This strategy is a “one time use” strategy. This means that this strategy is not a loop, use it whenever you think (based on indicators, or a future news,etc…) that a coin will pump.
Here’s how it works.
- Buy 100%.
- To create a trailing profit, we put a price up +10% based on the last order price, but we also put a price down 2% based on market price. So whenever the price has gone at least 10%, it waits for a 2% drop to trigger the SELL. This means that it can go way higher than 10%.
-Send an Email to warn you that your strat has sold your belongings.

As you can see, without the trailing stop, we would have stopped just before the big candle. We do not have the highest candle, but as we said earlier, you will almsot never sell at the absolute top, and keep in mind that you can optimize this kind of strategy as well !
Another way of using trailing profit is to start a strategy on a coin that is stable and has a potential to pump high after an acumulation. Take a look at this strat for example !

It’s your turn now !
Now we are counting on you to make the best strategies ever ! Don’t hesitate to send your screenshots on the discord chat, or the telegram chat !
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