HitBTC exchange is now supported on the Kryll automated platform. Here is how to configure your API key to start trading.
1- Go to your HitBTC settings.

2- Go to the "API Keys" tab and click on "New API key".

3- Your new API Key is now created. However, you will need to give proper access rights to your API key, which we will see in the next step.

4- You must now give access rights to your API key. Check options as you can see on the screenshot below ⬇️. Kryll.io platform does not require withdrawal rights.
Note : Your 2FA will be asked for each right.

5- Last step, you will be asked to confirm your API key via email. That it, your API key is now ready to be added on Kryll platform.

6- Go to your Kryll.io dashboard on the “Your account” tab. On the right you will have the “Exchange API keys” section. Select “add an exchange” and then choose “HitBTC”.

7- Now add your API key and your API secret. And click “Save”

Congratulations! You are now ready to trade on the Kryll platform with your HitBTC account!
Happy Trading!
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