Sell Block

Sell Block - This is a block that allows you to send a sell order of a certain amount of an asset in your strategy flow. Your strategy will place the order as soon as it arrives on this block.

Block Configuration

In the block settings you can configure the type of sell order and the amount you want to sell.

The different options on the Sell Block

In the Basic settings you can select 2 types of orders:

  • Limit orders, which allow you to sell assets at a fixed price.
  • Market orders, which allow you to sell assets "The current market price".

Limit orders have more than 3 modes:

  • "Block price" mode allows you to place an order at the price of the asset at the moment when the block is triggered.
    For example: "Place an order to sell BTC at the current price".
  • "Personalized price" mode allows you to place an order at a predetermined price‌.
    For example: "Place an order to sell BTC at $25,000".
  • "Deviation" mode allows you to place an order at a price that deviates by X% from the current price. ‌
    ‌For example: "Place an order to sell BTC at the current price +1.5%".

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings tab allows you to manage the lifetime of your order.

The advanced options of the Sell Block

An order can be valid until its completion or have a validity period.

  • Valid "until completed" means that the block will wait indefinitely for the order to be completed before moving on.
  • Valid "until expiry" means that the order will have an expiry date. This means that if the order is not fully completed at the end of its validity period, it will be aborted and the strategy will continue on its way.

Note: It is possible to direct your strategy to change its behavior in the event of expiry, for example to execute a particular action, repeat the purchase, take another path, etc... To do this, select a 'failover' block by clicking on the small viewfinder and selecting the desired block.


You can press the "F" key to display the paths of the links in case of order failover.

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About Sebastian Ganjali

Aussie crypto fanatic. Filled with coffee, dreams and market analysis.