Create automated strategies even quicker!

Smart Trading is now available on and as it is a brand new feature, this article will serve as an introduction to the fantastic world of easy trading. For further informations about each type of smart trading tool, you can read the related articles.
During this quick introduction we will go through the definitions of the terms and lexica of smart trading, as well as some key features that you don’t want to miss out.
Different types of Smart Trades
- Smart Buy: Optimize your next entry on an asset with the Smart Buy feature ! (Link to smart buy medium to be added soon)
- Smart Sell: Get the best out of your sell and take the maximum amount of profit with the Smart Sell feature ! (Link to smart sell medium to be added soon)
- Stop Loss, Take Profit(s): Need to follow a call ? Want to simplify your multiple sell targets ? The Stop-Loss Take-Profit(s) feature is here for you ! (Link to multi target medium to be added soon)
Entry Target: Also named, “Buy target”. This is the price at which you want to buy the asset.
Target : This the price at which you want to sell a part or 100% of the asset.
Stop-Loss: This one has 2 different variations, you can either set a fixed value, like 7500$ for exemple. Or you can set a trailing value, like 10%. This means that if the price drops by 10%, your stop loss will be triggered. Both systems are valid, but while trading with multiple targets, you should use the trailing one.
Quantity to Sell: This field represents the amount of your initial wallet that you want to sell. Let’s say that you start with 1000$. If you put 3 targets at 33%, you will sell 99% of your asset if the three targets are reached.
Trailing Deviation: This field will be very useful for you to optimize any of your smart trades. Deviation is a term that we will use often during this series of articles. That’s why we are trying to explain how it works in the most understanding way possible. Here is a graph to image the deviation.

Deviation is the minimum percentage which is needed to trigger the trade. In the case of a Smart Buy, it’s the minimum percentage of upward market evolution that is needed to trigger the buy. As you can see on the graph, the first zone (purple one) does not trigger our buy because the market evolution was not sufficient. However the second zone (green one) shows that the market pumped by the right amount.
At the end of the day, you bought lower, and you are almost guaranteed to make more profit than just buying at your initial target.
The General Usage of Smart Trading
Smart Trading is available on and lets you discover a new world of easy and intelligent automation of your trades.

Just pick whatever feature you want to use, fill in the fields, and it’s on ! You are officially ready to automate your trades.
Monetize your signals
You can get commission on each signals you share with your community. It is easy as a snap, just clic the smart-link button at the bottom of your smart trade and share the link, each link shared will generate an auto filled trading form for your user, he just have to follow your signal and you’re done.

How does it works?
When a user uses your Smart Link to perform Smart Srading he automatically becomes your affiliate for the time Smart Trading is running.
You will receive commissions for the duration of the trade. The referrer gets 20% of the commissions (which can go up to 45% with a Holding Program) paid by the affiliate. Commissions are automatically added to your affiliate tab in KRL.
Here is an example:
1 person uses your Smart Link, the trade time lasts 15 days (this is the average noticed on majors calls channels).
Let's say:
- Capital = $1000
- Platform fee = 1% of capital invested / month
- User fee 15 days = (capital*fees/1 month*Nb of days running) = $1000*0.01/30*15 = 5$
Result :
You earn 20% on his commissions, i.e. 20% of 5$ = 1$ per user who will have launched his smart trade via your link.
Monetize your free call channel!
Many Callers have 2 channels, a free one to broadcast a few signals to prove to their users the quality of their work and a pay channel that broadcasts all the signals.
As a Caller with the Smart Link you can monetize this free space by offering your signals as a smart link without affecting your basic business model while generating additional revenue.
Some examples:
1 Smart link used by 50 people, average wallet of $1000 over 15 days = $50
10 Smart link used by 50 people, average wallet of $1000 over 15 days = $500
10 Smart link used by 100 people, average wallet of 1000$ over 15 days = $1000
You got the point, Smart Link can become very interesting.
Happy Trading!
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