The future of crypto trading

Summer is coming but at Kryll we never stop grinding to build the tools for success. The team is working hard on the Alpha “Funders” version! Plenty of blocks have been added, strategies editor has been revamped from the ground up with new features like edit/backtest merging, rotating your whole strategy blocks, group editor to move all your blocks at a once, reorganizer to align block together and bring more clarity to the whole strategy.
To conclude we will provide our community with an even faster and more beautiful editor, but most of all, easy to use for all you crypto traders out here.
No more excuses to not create the next killer automated strategy ! 💪
Edit/Backtest Merging
The edit and backtest functions have been merged to avoid switching tabs and focus on creation and tuning.

Strategy group moving feature
This feature will allow you to move all the blocks at once.

Reorganize & rotate features
Beautify your flow like in a snap. Your composition is messy, you can no longer see clearly, you need to reorganize all this quickly? The new Kryll editor will be the key! You can even rotate your strategy.

A better, more intelligible editor
Improved editor to clarify your strategies design. A hint box for each available features. Clearer logs and new graphic design for kick-ass backtesting.

Bounty hunters tokens have been sent
Good news for bounty participants. Your KRL tokens have been sent to your addresses. Thanks for your efforts!
We are in advanced talk with a serious and big exchange, we hope to give you a good news very soon. Stay tuned!
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