Whether we do a technical analysis or follow a call, at the end of the day, we need a powerful tool to automate the trade if we want to trade without human emotions and so ensure a disciplined and successful trading experience.
The brand new feature of Kryll.io offers the solution to this problem. We will see step by step how to create a smart trade based on a technical analysis and then how to share this Smart Trade. Each Smart Trade earns you commissions according to the referral principle that we will explain later.
Create a SMART TRADE in a snap, share it, get commissions
Select the stop loss take profit tool, and proceed to select a pair.
Then, enter your targets, you can have 1 buy target and 3 sell target max.
Add a stop loss if you want to (we recommend you do), your users will have the possibility to add it themselves if they want.
Once you’re done, click on “generate Link” and paste it along with your call so you users can instantly follow your calls without the trouble of connecting to an exchange and placing stop limit orders. They will just have to select an amount and click on “Start”.

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlO5GoVg6D0
Win commissions every time you share a Smart Trade (every time you make a Call). Many traders share their signals on their networks, so that those who follow them can benefit from their technical analysis.
What would you say to earning a commission on every Call you share?
The Smart Trade commission system is simple, you share your Calls using Smart Link(on your Twitter, Channel Telegram, other…) and each time a user follows you on this Call you will receive a 20% commission on the platform fees.
Each time a user follows you on this Call you will receive a commission on the platform fees.
Note: You can increase your commissions up to 45% by participating in the Kryll holding program.
Frequently asked questions about Smart Trading
Q : What do you earn to send a Call with the smart trading ?
A : Ex. 1: If you launch a Call and a user follows you by putting $500 of capital, if your Call lasts 30 days, you will earn $1 on this Call, whether the trade is successful or not.
- Ex. 2: If you launch a Call and a user follows you by putting in $500 of capital, if your Call lasts 30 days, you will win (with the Holding 200k program) $2.25 on this Call, whether the trade is successful or not.
If you have a hundred followers who follow 2 Calls / day the commissions can go up to more than 1000$ monthly.
Q : What happens when Smart Trade has finished executing its Stop-Loss Take-Profit objectives?
A : A Smart Trade is nothing more or less than a strategy that does not loop so once the objectives are reached (Stop-Loss and/or Take-profits) the Smart Trade stops on its own and the funds are available on your exchange.
You can see the history of Smart Trade in the “History” tab.

Q : If I create a Smart link from the Smart Trading tool, do I need to run Smart Trade for the Smart link to work?
A : No, you do not need to launch Smart Trade yourself for the Smart link to work.
Q : How does it cost to launch a Smart Trade ?
A : The price for a Smart Trade is the same as for a strategy of 1% monthly fee based on the initial capital of the Smart Trade.
ie: If you put $500 of capital on a smart trade and launch it, it will cost you $0.16 per day in KRL. You can lower this figure by 95% if you participate in the holding company program (see here for pricing)
Ready to monetize your Calls?
Happy Trading!
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