This guide aims to accompany you in your debut on the platform kryll.io
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First, finalize your registration
The first task to accomplish will be to complete your onboarding to benefit from the $7 in KRL so you can start using all the services of the platform sraight away without paying a single cent.

To be eligible for this gift you just need to link at least one API key to your Kryll account, from one of the many cryptocurrency exchanges supported by the platform. A complete tutorial is available here.
However, if you have any difficulties linking your API key to your kryll.io account you can find help here.
Let's talk about Kryll in a few words
That's it, are you ready? Let's start our journey into the heart of the Kryll platform and its features:
1 - Understanding the dashboard.
Kryll is composed of a set of services that revolve around the assets available on the exchanges that you have connected to the platform.

The Kryll dashboard is the main page of the platform. It allows you to have a brief overview of what's happening on your account and on the platform. You will find, from top to bottom:
- An overview of the capital you have on your exchanges.
- A news zone allowing you to stay informed on the latest news.
- The list of the automated trading strategies of the Kryll Marketplace that are likely to interest you (according to your trader profile that you have filled in).
- The list of strategy bots that are currently running on your account as well as their current performance on your account.
From this dashboard and the menu on the right, you will be able to access all the features of the platform in a few clicks.
2 - The KRL Token, the fuel for trading bots. How does it work?
Just like a blockchain, Kryll.io is a pay-per-use platform where the KRL token is the utility token.

The Kryll ecosystem is based on sharing: technological sharing by the Kryll team, and content sharing (trading strategies, videos, articles) by the community. The KRL consumed by the users is thus divided between the company (to finance its infrastructure, its operation and its R&D) and the community (affiliation, strategy creators etc) to reward the work done.
The KRL cryptocurrency is the essence of the platform, which allows it to function. It is possible to get it on the platform by following this tutorial or through exchanges like Coinbase or Kucoin.
3 - Control your assets from one place.
How many times have you held onto an asset that had every chance of falling because you didn't have the time to connect to all your exchanges, enter your 2FAs and waste your time? This happens often. But with Kryll, you can connect your exchnages to one place, safely. Access your exchanges with a single login.

Kryll.io's goal has always been to simplify the life of its users, and it is with this in mind that we have created the Kryll Swap. With this feature, you can now quickly exchange your tokens from a single place on multiple exchanges, in just a few clicks, and all this is entirely free.
To learn more, a dedicated article is available HERE.
4 - Choose a strategy from the Kryll marketplace.
Kryll is above all a community. This community is composed of beginners, professional traders and algorithm creators. The Kryll Marketplace is the place where all the strategies created by the community are referenced and sorted according to their age (number of days they have been running), their track record, their risk profile etc...

To explore this marketplace, just click on the search box and filter trading strategies to fit your criteria.
To find out more, a dedicated article is available HERE.
5 - Advanced manual trading is made simple with the Smart Terminal.
As you have probably already experienced, trading directly on an exchange can be risky because they only offer a limited set of options. It is difficult or impossible to set up dynamic stop-losses, to define multiple profit taking zones.

The Kryll Smart Terminal allows you to easily manage your trades by planning in advance with its intuitive and visual condition setting tools. The multiple take profits and the stop-loss scenarios of your trades are easy to set. Suitable for both novices and experts thanks to its many features, the Smart Terminal is the ultimate tool to enhance your manual trading.
To learn more, a dedicated article is available HERE.
6 - The beating heart of Kryll; The Strategy Editor.
Kryll has a state of the art (zero-code needed) trading strategy editor. The Kryll editor allows you to represent and design a simple or complex trading algorithm through a logical flow from one block (action or conditions) to another. This intuitive tool has already allowed our community to create more than 150,000 different strategies, some of which have been published on the Kryll Marketplace for others to use.

The editor has been designed so that anyone can create and test their trading strategy for FREE without any programming or computer skills. This displays a flow of conditions and actions that follow and intertwine according to the logic you define.
If thousands of users have succeeded, why not you? A short series of dedicated articles is available HERE.
7 - Stay connected to your accounts and trading bots with the Kryll mobile app.
We can't be watching our portfolio all the time and fortunately Kryll was designed so traders don't have to stay glued to their screens. However, this can sometimes be problematic, whether it is to cut a trade, launch a strategy or "Swap" your assets.

The mobile application is the answer to this problem, because with it you maintain control of your exchanges and your assets through a single app.
You can install it on your iOS smartphone or for Android today.
To conclude
That's it, we've covered the basic features of Kryll. Although all of these have a multitude of subtleties and there is much more that we haven't covered, you should be well equipped by now to get started on the new era of trading, with Kryll!
Do not hesitate to join us on our Telegram and Discord groups as well as our other social networks to share your opinion and your feedback on the Kryll.io platform.

Happy Trading !
Website : https://kryll.io
Twitter : @Kryll.io
Telegram EN : https://t.me/kryll_io
Telegram FR: https://t.me/kryll_fr
Telegram ES: https://t.me/kryll_es
Discord : https://discord.gg/PDcHd8K
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/kryll.io
Support : support@kryll.io